Limits of Unbalanced Economic Growth and Capitalism
Limits of Unbalanced Economic Growth and Capitalism
Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar had said that "Equality is that the object of the imaginary world". Ever since the creation of the planet, the stratification of each person is nature-oriented. We get to ascertain gender, economic, social,...
Read moreUS-Iran tension and India's interest
US-Iran tension and India's interest
The clouds of the war in West Asia for the
last several months changed to Fire in the first week of
January 2020. When the US killed Iran's Supreme Commander Qasim Sulemani with a
drone attack near Baghdad Airport. In retaliation to the Iranian...
Read moreTo be asked like the question
To be asked like the question
Today, I had to teach Rajesh Joshi’s poem based on child labour
"Bachhe kaam par ja rahe hai", in Ninth...
Read moreChina lost in Hong Kong
China lost in Hong Kong
After the split of the Soviet Union in 1991, new power equations were being
created in the world. For some years, it seemed as America had established
unitary dominance in the world. China is a communist country based
on communist ideology. There...
Read moreIndia wins in Kulbhushan Jadhav's case
India wins in Kulbhushan Jadhav's case
On 17 July
2019, relief came to India from the International Court of Justice - The Hague (Netherlands) that Kulbhushan Jadhav, an Indian citizen,
has been banned from execution by a Pakistani military court. Apart from this,
in the case of...
Read moreThe Role of Opposition vs. Anarchy
The Role of Opposition vs. Anarchy
As the NDA-2 the government came to power in May 2019, under the leadership
of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, since then the relationship of the ruling
party and the Opposition going far beyond the political opposition required in
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